Title I Parent & Family Engagement Input
ACMS Compact, FY25, English
ACMS Compact, FY25 Spanish
ACMS Parent & Family Engagement Plan FY25, English
ACMS Parent & Family Engagement Plan FY25, Spanish
ACSS Parent & Family Engagement Plan FY25, English
ACSS Parent & Family Engagement Plan FY25, Spanish
Helping Students Learn Newsletters

Quick Links
Appling County School System Title I Parent and Family Engagement Resources
Facebook Page of ACMS
Parent Portal
Symbaloo Learning Links
SAVVAS Math Parent Resources
Sixth Grade
Topic 1: Use Positive Rational Numbers
Topic 2: Integers and Rational Numbers
Topic 3: Numeric and Algebraic Expressions
Topic 4: Represent and Solve Equations and Inequalities
Topic 5: Understand and Use Ratio and Rate
Topic 6: Understand and Use Percent
Topic 7: Solve Area, Surface Area, and Volume Problems
Topic 8: Display, Describe, and Summarize Data
Seventh Grade
Topic 1: Use Rational Number Operations
Topic 2: Analyze and Use Proportional Relationships
Topic 3: Analyze and Solve Percent Problems
Topic 4: Generate Equivalent Expressions
Topic 5: Solve Problems Using Equations and Inequalities
Topic 6: Use Sampling to Draw Inferences about Populations
Topic 7: Probability
Topic 8: Solve Problems Involving Geometry
Eighth Grade
Topic 1: Real Numbers
Topic 2: Analyze and Solve Linear Equations
Topic 3: Use Functions to Model Relationships
Topic 4: Investigate Bivariate Data
Topic 5: Analyze and Solve Systems of Linear Equations
Topic 6: Congruence and Similarity
Topic 7: Understand and Apply the Pythagorean Theory
Topic 8: Solve Problems Involving Surface Area and Volume
Family & Parent Engagement Resources
Georgia Department of Education Resources for Parents
Georgia Milestones Resources for Parents
- Achievement Level Descriptors
Grade Achievement Level Descriptors - Questions and Answers for Parents
Milestones Parents Brochure
Milestones Parents Brochure, Spanish - Student Resources
Grade Level Formula Sheets, Study Guides, Graph Paper, and Periodic Table
Georgia Standards of Excellence
- English Language Arts Standards of Excellence, Grades 6-8
- Mathematics Standards of Excellence, Grades 6-8
- Science Standards of Excellence, Grade 6-8
- Social Studies Standards of Excellence, Grade 6-8
The Positivity Project (Updated for 2024-2025)
- August 19-23: Intro Week, Other People Mindset (OPM)
- August 26-30: Curiosity
- September 2-6: Teamwork
- September 9-13: Open-Mindedness
- September 16-20: Other People Mindset (OPM)-Being Present & Giving Others My Attention
- September 23-27: Perspective
- September 30-October 4: Forgiveness
- October 7-11: Integrity
- October 14-18: Wildcard/Review
- October 21-25: Creativity
- October 28-November 1: Other People Mindset (OPM)-Knowing My Words and Actions Affect Others
- November 4-8: Bravery
- November 11-15: Gratitude
- November 18-22: Gratitude
- December 2-6: Kindness
- December 9-13: Other People Mindset (OPM)-Supporting Others When They Struggle
- December 16-20: Self-Control
- January 6-10 Optimism
- January 13-17: Prudence
- January 20-24: Perseverance
- January 27-31: Social Intelligence
- February 3-7: Wildcard/Review
- February 10-17: Love
- February 17-21: Other People Mindset (OPM)-Cheering Others' Success
- February 24-28: Humility
- March 3-7: Love of Learning
- March 10-14: Other People Mindset (OPM)-Identifying and Appreciating the Good in Others
- March 17-21: Humor
- March 24-28: Fairness
- March 31-April 4: Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence
- April 7-11: Purpose
- April 21-25: Enthusiasm
- April 28-May 2: Leadership
- May 5-9: Outro Week-Other People Mindset (OPM)
- Middle School Matters Video-English
- Middle School Matters Video-Spanish
- Middle School Social and Emotional Changes Video-English
- Middle School Social and Emotional Changes Video-Spanish
- Middle School Organizational and Environmental Factors Video-English
- Middle School Organizational and Environmental Factors Video- Spanish
- Middle School Academics Video-English
- Middle School Academics Video-Spanish
- Middle School: Becoming Involved in My Child's Education Video-English
- Middle School: Becoming Involved in My Child's Education Video-Spanish
Family & Parent Engagement Monthly Resources
Monthly Resources
- August
Why Family Engagement Matters, English
Why Family Engagement Matters, Spanish -
Family Guide for Math, English
Family Guide for Math, Spanish
Khan Academy
Math Antics
Mathematics Parent and Student Resources from the GADOE
Mathematics Parent Letters
Middle School Mathematics Resources
PBS Math Club - October
Developing Your Child's Reading Skills, English
Developing Your Child's Reading Skills, Spanish
English Language Arts Standards of Excellence, Grades 6-8
Lexile Framework for Parents - November
Best Get Involved Parent Videos
Family Engagement Month Letter-English
Family Engagement Month Letter-SpanishFamily Engagement Month Proclamation
Georgia Home Classroom Resources for All Grade Levels and Subjects
Georgia Department of Education Family Engagement Month November -
GA Public Broadcasting - GA Studies
National Archives
Science Buddies
Science Resources For Parents - NSTA
STEM + Families National PTA
World Geography Games -
CDC Parent Engagement in Schools
Let's End Chronic Absenteeism
Make Every Bite Count - Dietary Guidelines For Americans
Oral Health Guidelines
Physical Guidelines for Americans
Positive Parenting Tips CDC
When & How to Wash Your Hands CDC
Attention Parents/Guardians in the Appling County School System
Appling County Schools, including Appling County Middle School, revise and send out their parental involvement plans each year. The goal of the school plan to increase parent participation and promote parent-school interaction. If you would like to participate in the revision process of a school's plan, please contact your child's school.